Lil Chip is a red merle puppy. He is very active and sweet. He is using a litter box. His parents are akc registered they both have had their ofa's done…
$1,500Micky is a red merle that is very friendly and he's a active puppy. He has blue eyes. He is 6 weeks old and will be ready to go to his forever home Sept…
SOLDSpot is a red merle with blue eyes. He is very active and super cute. He is 6 weeks old and is up-to-date on vaccines and worming. He will be ready to…
SOLDZona is a blue merle female. She is kind of the boss of the litter! She is very friendly and outgoing. She has one brown eye and one blue eye. She is up…
SOLDPatch is the smallest of the litter and he holds his own. He is very loving and friendly. He is a red merle with blue eyes. He is up-to-date on vaccines…
SOLDAKC Registered. Fawn Merle. Currently 10 weeks old. Vet check, shots, and dewormed.
SOLDElla is a beautiful blue merle female. She is a curious little one. She is very playful and friendly. She gets along with her litter mates very well. She…