Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000Jason is CKC registered male Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is red sable color. He is ready to go to a new home. He will come with his shots & worming up…
SOLDGabby is the sweetest Pomaweenie puppy. She loves snuggling and playing with other puppies. She will make a great family addition, she is such a fluff…
SOLDDiamond is the kindest Pomaweenie puppy. She loves play with other puppies. She will make a great family addition, the is super cute and has a great personality…
SOLDBrent is an amazing Pomaweenie puppy.He is great with kids and would make a good addition to any family. He is super soft and fluffy. We love to have our…
SOLDPickle is such a precious Pomaweenie puppy. Pickle is such a cute little puppy that has a lot of personality for such a small puppy. He is super kind and…