Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000AKC breeding stock American Cocker Spaniels **Buff, Buff & White, & Red** RAISED IN OUR HOME AS FAMILY - never kept in cages. Both parents AKC registered…
SOLDAKC Registered Purebred French Bulldog Boy. 8 weeks. Has puppy shots. 1 year health guarantee. ready to go home!
SOLDIntroducing Arlo, the charismatic and lively Cockapoo puppy whose love for toys is simply infectious. His eyes light up with excitement as he encounter…
SOLDAlly, the charming and lively Cavapoo puppy, is a bundle of joy that will instantly capture your heart. With her playful nature and wagging tail, Ally…
SOLDIntroducing Hux, the lovable and playful Poochon puppy who will steal your heart with his adorable face and endearing personality. With his wagging tail…
SOLDMeet Sadie, the adorable and affectionate Cavapoo puppy who will melt your heart with her irresistible charm. With her wagging tail and gentle demeanor…
SOLDZack, the spirited and inquisitive Cavapoo puppy, finds pure joy in the company of toys. His toy collection is an array of colorful treasures that awaken…