Male and Female poodle puppies. We have 3 females and 2 males looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These puppies…
$500Beautiful Brown and White Parti Poodle Boy charting to weigh 5 lbs grown. Looking for a great family home.
$1,800Beautiful tiny t-cup looking for Love. He is Apricot .He will be the perfect companion for someone. He will be 11 weeks old the 17 of Jan.. only weighs…
$2,000Please call or TEXT our phone number to set up a showing OR Book Directly Here: booking.visit our website Adorable TOY Shih-Poo (Shih-Tzu & Toy Poodle…
$895CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION AT: +1 (817) 818-2960 Our babies are home trained, house broken, calm and laid and also good with kids and other pets…
$500Looking for a good Home We are looking for a loving home for this Handsome little guy , he will mature to around 25-30lbs and he has a curly non shedding…
$500I have one Beautiful Female Teacup Shih Tzu Puppy for re-homing . She's 12 weeks old. Potty trained, crate trained, registered, in good health and eating…
$650black female teacup /tiny toy 10 months old 4 pounds 9" tall she potty"s outside good with other dogs no papers but has rabies shot at 6 months…