We have 3 beautiful Havanese with AKC available. They are 10 weeks old. 2 sessions of vaccines. We have 1 boy and 2 girls available for you to meet and…
$750Ready to go in time for Christmas! We have a litter of gorgeous chocolate and traditional colored puppies. This boy is black and white and is a total sweetheart…
SOLDRed/black with white markings.. She is a sweet one and a beauty as well! She loves playing and snugglin with her siblings. She would make a great companion…
SOLDLovely Teacup Pomeranian, she's sweet and caring, loves attention and will ask for it! Born to our precious baby girl Holla and her life mate Dax. Zilla…
SOLDThis beautiful puppy is absolutley one of a kind! She's tiny and perfect, with an estimated adult size of only 3.5-4.5 lbs! WOW!!! She is vet checked…
SOLDAKC breeding stock American Cocker Spaniels **Buff, Buff & White, & Red** RAISED IN OUR HOME AS FAMILY - never kept in cages. Both parents AKC registered…
SOLDOnly 1 in CALIFORNIA!! --$2,400 for Coco, the cutest little girl who is waiting for her new family. Coming from a champion blood line with generations…
SOLDCKC registered Yorkshire Terrier 2 female and 2 males.