Jimmy is a CKC registered Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is a red sable color. He has his shots & worming up to date. He comes with his shot record, a Health…
SOLDBeautiful-Male Shih-Tzu, fully potty trained, pure-bred, and up to date on all shots. 443loves924 to go1371 for walks and cuddle. He’s only 2 yoa .…
SOLDNick is a CKC registered male parti-color Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is a white color with orange spots and unique markings. He is ready for pick up…
SOLDKona (temp name) is ready for his fur-ever home TODAY. Parents On Site. Sable. Will be current on shots & de-worming when released. CKC - Continental…
SOLDXavier (temp name) is ready to be placed on hold. Black. Will be current on shots & de-worming when released (tentative dt: 2/26/22). CKC - Continental…
SOLD2 Males (Kona: $1900 & Xavier $2100) and 1 Female (Vicki: $2125). CKC Registered. Up-to-date on shots & deworming. Playful. Active. Smart. Fluffy. Adorable…
SOLDStunning Pomeranian Female puppy born January 14 2022. Raised underfoot from birth in our home with children, dog's, and cat's to be socialized, and…
SOLDOne sweet boy left $900.00 he is so cute and very playful!