Jason is CKC registered male Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is red sable color. He is ready to go to a new home. He will come with his shots & worming up…
SOLDBenny, the spirited and inquisitive Maltese puppy, finds pure joy in the company of toys. His toy collection is an array of colorful treasures that awaken…
SOLDOliver is a delightful little male Maltese puppy. He is such a handsome boy and loves to run around and play. He’s very sweet and plays great with the…
SOLDDenzel is a Handsome Maltese. He loves to play and chase the other puppies around the house!! With Denzel, there is never a dull moment! He is so much…
SOLDAvailable Olde English Bulldogge puppies ready to go home June 27! They will have had their first 2 sets of shots and are registered. Each puppy is prespoiled…
SOLDWhat a little sweetheart!!! Black & white male Shih Tzu puppy - Born: 02 Jan 2023 Ready to go: I have reduced his price by $100 to cover his first shots…
SOLDEdgar is a very sweet little Yochon puppy. he loves to give kisses and snuggly up on your lap. He loves to play with his toys and other puppies. We love…
SOLDRanger is a wonderful little male Yochon puppy. He has such a soft coat and loves to be brushed and groomed. We love to have our puppies playing, socializing…